Location: Lying down on my bed with eyes half opened, 1143hrs.
I realized that the stray dogs in Wuhan all got standard one. They're not some zhapalang breed like those we have in Singapore. They're all quite pretty, except for the skin disease.
Then again, these stray dogs were probably abandoned by the people here. Wuhan-ers seem to be quite the dog lover.
So cute right! It's fat and bouncy and its ass is HUGE. And, it's not greedy, unlike the two dogs I have back at home. The owner was trying to train her to eat the leftovers that dropped on the table but she was more interested in cuddling with her owner.
Moving on...
Here's a picture from our picnic the other day with a story to tell.
According to Nancy Jie Deng Yi, this tree is called a Yang Shu. Apparently, the Yang Shu grows vertically upwards, and its trunk does not go sing-eh (crooked). In the olden time, a man who is straight (and I don't mean he's not gay) and has good moral values is often associated with the Yang Shu. Heh! Mother Tongue lesson 101!
It's just sad that back in Singapore, 90% of the MT lessons focuses on how to memorize passages and learn how to write the words and how to write essays. Yes, results mean so much more than knowing how the proverbs came about. @_@
Damn I miss Mr. Huang's lessons.
Anyways! Gotta cut short my blog post to let Justin blog cos I'm using his Ethernet port! Tata for now!
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